Vidya Award 2021 – Streetwear

Young designers, watch out: The call for entries for the Vidya Award 2021 has been sent to all schools with a department for textile and clothing technology during the last days. We are looking forward to innovative designs on the subject of "streetwear".

The Vidya Award is a practical test: pupils and students of textile and clothing technology

are given the opportunity to work on the production process for clothing using a concrete example. The garment is developed directly in 3D and then staged. The participants learn how to use 3D-Vidya and gain practical insights into product development.

There is one innovation: For the first time, real production is not part of the Vidya Award!

The participants should have more time and freedom by not sewing, which can be used for the implementation in 3D. The winners will receive prize money of 1,000 euros for first place and 500 euros for second place.

The theme for the Vidya Award 2021 is "Streetwear", a deliberately broad term that offers comprehensive possibilities for being creative. "We are already looking forward to the submissions, because we assume that dispensing with sewing the garment will give much more freedom for the designs," says Dr. Andreas Seidl, CEO of Assyst, "Whoever takes part has the chance this time to really get the most out of 3D Vidya. That's why 3D staging naturally gains in importance in the evaluation".

Last year the topic was "Karl Lagerfeld. Tribute to an icon of the fashion world". The award ceremony took place virtually in October. More about the Vidya Award 2020 in our press release.


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