How do colors and fabrics become digital?

The entire fashion industry is becoming digital – but many designers and other creative professionals still have questions for which they would like answers. For example, one important challenge for digitalization is the quality of the digital imaging of fabrics, color and other materials.

How does a material become digital, what is the impact of a digital pattern and how definitive are the images on the computer? At the Munich Fabric Start from September 3 to 5, 2019, Assyst and several partner companies will be providing answers to questions like these in a Show Case initiated by the MUNICH FABRIC START – the DIGITAL FABRIC LAB.

Assyst, Caddon, Vizoo, Triple Tree Solutions and the University of Dresden will be using simulated digitalization stations to present the individual work steps of a novel digitalization process for fabrics in a comprehensible and practical way. The advance press release by the Munich Fabric Start on the DIGITAL FABRIC LAB states: “The DIGITAL FABRIC LAB demonstrates a new form of an analysis process that will change production and accelerate it many times over. Digital material parameters such as elasticity, flexibility, tension and bending stiffness are determined, with the aim of creating a truly realistic drape of textiles in the product simulation. In addition to these physical measurements, surfaces, colors and textures must also be acquired and combined in a technologically representable way.”

Assyst will be showing how the digitalized materials flow into 3D Vidya where they can be used for design and product development.

Meet us at the Keyhouse, Hall 5, Booth 20!


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