Digitization – now more than ever!

The fashion industry is struggling. COVID19 continues to have a firm grip on the world and hits the apparel industry particularly hard. But the moment of shock seems to have passed. We at Assyst note that many companies have used the lockdown period to plan for the future in terms of digitization. The crisis is giving this topic tailwind. Digitisation is no longer perceived as an unavoidable future topic. It's getting concrete.

For this reason we will be launching our Fashion Forum @home in the coming days. Starting on June 24, 2020, we will be offering various webinars for about a month to give impulses for digital work to people who live by and for fashion. Our experts show concrete solutions – for design, development and distribution. Learn how 3D can be integrated into the apparel creation process from the very beginning, how different technologies interact in the individual process steps and how you can reduce time and costs.

We are convinced that now is the right time to bring new technologies and processes into companies. Supplemented by investments in the skills of the employees, the conditions for the future of the apparel industry can currently be created.

We want to make a contribution to help the industry back on a calmer course. Therefore all webinars are free of charge!

Here you can find an overview of all topics and dates. Get registered now!




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