A virtual avatar instead of fitting session stress

Customers buy an experience and not just a garment. Thanks to this process, the digital and real world complement each other perfectly.

Shopping with an avatar – I get my digital image on my smartphone in just a few seconds at the Avatar Counter. It’s all based on a few easy questions. Finished!

I only try on what fits – so now I look at what’s on offer as usual. I like a pair of pants, so I scan the code – and I instantly get a size recommendation.

A great selection on top of that – you also get tips for combinations. So I quickly find a super top to match my pants, and in the right size of course. I nearly missed that!

Speed up your processes with 3D what you need to make your processes go a lot faster.

The virtual and real worlds go hand-in-glove. The store solution is based on Assyst’s Bodyprofiler technology for sizing & fitting-based product recommendations. When you enter just a few details, a realistic avatar is created for digital shopping – and additional product information and the recommendation of more products make the shopping experience just perfect.

Do you want this too?

Why wait? Arrange a demo now!

Assyst is a Style3D company


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