3D with Vidya – work digitally, but with real material properties

The representation of material and color in the 3D simulation of clothing is particularly important, because it’s the only way to make a garment so realistic that you feel you can touch it. For the best results, we at Assyst collaborate with leading providers of related technologies in the DIGITAL TEXTILE CONNECTION. This enables us to achieve new levels of realism together.

At the Munich Fabric Start in September 2018, we presented a drag & drop solution for high-quality fabric simulations from the cloud for the first time. To achieve this, a cloud-based solution was developed that ensures a high degree of realism for digitalized materials. These materials can be easily and quickly integrated into the 3D design process with Vidya by “drag and drop”, i.e. by clicking and dragging. All the parameters of the fabric, such as the degree of rigidity, are taken into account, enabling the fabric to be processed and evaluated realistically on the screen.

What Vidya offers

Vidya precisely depicts the texture and material properties of fabrics. This also applies to the distance between the garment and the body and the simulation of physical properties such as elasticity, drape and material thickness, so both stretch and long, flowing styles can be perfectly visualized. Vidya also renders seam types and material reinforcing like zips and interlinings extremely realistically, so fabric textures, images and applications can be integrated directly into a running simulation. Vidya also images glossy structures, partial gloss, iridescent & crease effects and tone-in-tone patterns – and it shows textures and seams (single or multicolored) both inside and out.

Large selection in the material library

Vidya has an extensive material library – and with the materialWizard, you can acquire measured material parameters fast. Fabrics up to 3 cm thick are simulated and garments can have up to 21 individual fabric layers. This can also be used to reproduce the down jacket look. Thanks to Overlay Color, any texture can be displayed in any tone of a color path (e.g. from Photoshop). Color management also allows binding colors to be specified by importing spectrally measured colors and rejecting them under neutral lighting scenarios.

Leg length errors, wrongly-positioned prints, the wrong drape – even the smallest details can be seen in Vidya. This saves time and money in the development process.




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